I looked at last year’s reflection and almost every year prior and it starts off with..it has been one heck of year. 2024 is no exception, especially with all the political and social chaos that distracted so many of us from our inner and outer work and what our souls are here to do. What I will say that I know at the core of my being is that if we wait for things to change “out there” we will be waiting a long ass time and squandering away our sovereignty, our joy, our awe. If you go back in time like I just did you will see for one reason or another every year has its trials, tribulations, obstacles, shitstorms, and Underworld journeys that we take by choice or because we got hit with the cosmic 2x4. It’s just part of the human condition and the soul’s journey. So let’s not way for a non-existent paradise (it exists but only in the imaginal realms) to do our inner work, to do what our souls were put here to do no matter how risky it may seem, be of service to something larger than ourselves. Here on Earth as it is right now, don’t do it for karma points or to “ascend” do it because your soul came here at this time, in this place with an assignment. Everything is in the mystery, so just do what your soul is calling you to do. Slow down long enough to hear it. Stop overcomplicating everything. Say no to anything not life-affirming.
Now it is the time of the seasonal cycles for me to go back behind the veils for just a little while longer, but this time to sit with the ideas that have finally started brewing after a two year “messy middle”. For those who don’t know I intentionally closed a brick and mortar women’s transformational and creative studio two years ago. I have been sitting with my soul and listening for the next expression of how she wants to be of service. So this is the time of year to go into Deep time and dream things into being. I go behind the veils from the Solstice through New Year and then emerge and get things “put on paper” through a vision altar process I do every year with a full emergence on Imbolc (Brigid’s Day).So before I go into the dreaming time I wanted to tap in with you, share a few things for you to reflect on between the Solstice (which will occur exact at December 21st 4:19 AM EST) and the Gregorian New Year. I do not consider this my spiritual (or even my modern day time management based) New Year.
You don't have to have every thing completed by December 31st, and a whole new set of goals and overwhelm on January 1st. Take your time; life comes in cycles; not hard stops and starts. For most cultures around the world January is still the dreaming time, and for many the New Year isn't even January 1st. And every year carries with it a different energy. For me this year the "dreaming" feels much more active rather than passive, AND at the same time I am not rushing into anything and being very receptive to what the Universe is putting right in front of me on the path AND what it is taking away. I invite you to NOT rush towards your dreams and trying to figure it all out in your mind, or to rush to create a vision board, word or phrase of the year, or list of goals. It is not necessary, however this year my word actually did come through early and loud and clear, the ancestors confirmed it, through a you cannot make this shit up session I had with one of my deeply intuitive soul sisters. It is Re-generation. So my visioning time will be to intuit, dream, and muse upon all the ways that plays in my inner and outer life. I have ideas.
Here are some things to reflect and journal on for the Solstice, before you go rushing into creating a vision board that will collect dust after January. Be with what is emerging, and what you are FEELING in your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies. Maybe some words, phrases and intents are beginning to form for you, and maybe not. DO NOT be afraid of the dark, and immerse yourself in it over these next several days and then honor the return of the light:
Celebrate your successes and all the things you did complete. All you have done and become this year. How you have shown up, first for yourself, and then for others.
Reflect on those things that maybe did not come to completion, or work out the way you planned. Love yourself, know that you did enough, and then make a choice to let it go or carry it into the next cycle. (Remember again, there are no rules or timelines to complete things except the arbitrary ones you put on yourself)
Sit with, and make a choice on which stories and repetitive patterns you are choosing to release once and for all, and choose the new story. Again loving yourself, and knowing that those old stories did serve you in some way, but that it is time to give yourself space for what wants to emerge. I am letting go of my preconceived expectations which result in “anticipatory” disappointment, which takes me out of my present joy.
Take the time to really slow down and open up to the Inner Wisdom and information that is coming through to you and don't rush to make meaning or create a to-do list out of it. Just listen, pay attention to synchronicities, symbols, dreams, animals and plants revealing themselves to you. And as I said above pay attention to who and what the Universe is placing on the path in front of you. Pay attention to connections both new and old. This may not be a time for new vision but a re-vision and refinement. Again each year presents a different energy.
Take time to tap into your heart and soul, AND REALLY DREAM, be open to what's possible even if it's in the mystery. Consider how you want to "show up" for yourself next year, and then consider how you want to show up for others and your work in the world. Do this from your heart and soul, not your head, and definitely not from what the external world thinks you should be doing or in reaction to chaos and the media. Take a digital detox. For real. You will only miss more chaos you have no control over.
REALLY reflect on what support you need in all aspects of life. What connections, relationships, teachers, mentors, friends, colleagues do you want to strengthen? What do you want to learn? The time of lone wolf is over and we need to open up to both giving and receiving support. Define over the Solstice what that might look like for you. The messages I am getting so far is this is likely my BIG work for this year. Re-visioning, re-defining, and refining what connection looks and feels like for me. I have been somewhat of a hermit during these last two years of my messy middle, and some family relationship stuff I have been navigating. I am really going to musing upon how I want my friendships to look and feel and connecting more personally and in a reciprocal way.
So far during my visioning time a few phrases and words have come to me, but a lot from last year are still with me and I am still working, or better said they are still working me.
Re-generation- this means a lot across all spectrums of my life and work.
Sacred Sight- sharpening my inner oracular sight. Being the eyes and ears for the ancestors. This is what they told me, I have yet to fully understand what it means.
Innovation- this was a word from last year. I took one path based on what I thought it meant and realized that wasn’t it. That what happens when your logical mind overrides what your intuitive intelligence says. So I am working with what it really means to me and honoring my soul gifts.
As I said, some things will remain in the mystery for now as I go deeper into what this might look like. I will say it again, there is no rush to figure it out. See what and who the Universe puts in front of you, and follow the breadcrumbs. Feel in your body what to say yes to and what to say no to, or maybe later. Really tap into what is important and let the rest go or marinate for a while. Take time to understand your Essence and how you want to show up in the world, which is way more important that WHAT you do. You can always revisit things during the year. I ALWAYS refine and plant the seeds in March at Spring Equinox. This is just the ending and beginning at the same time.
So those are my reflections so far. I know much more will emerge as I take some time off. I would love to hear what has been emerging for all of you, and how I can best be of service to you next year.
Desireé Hershon
Yes. This is not the first year I’m not making any “plans” or resolutions. BUT, it’s the first year I actually feel no pressure to find my “word” or theme or whatever. I love the dream time, especially during January when it’s cold and gloomy. Looking forward to the Dreaming and Scheming soon. :)
I loved this so much. Already I am looking at my relationships - which ones are reciprocal and those not, which ones I need more support for or to develop and which ones I need to allow more grace for and do I have it to give? I’m definitely sitting with a lot of things and am beginning to see dreams that bring me joy and not fear. This is a huge deal for me! Thank you for the sacred work you do!!!